
Communication Activities In Architecture

Communication Activities In Architecture -  He said, the architecture should be seen as a whole. In which are interwoven threads two aspects. There are aspects of the human environment and the natural environment. Let's try to unveil more in the position of the architecture in the context of life. Certainly in the context of a life of always changed. Why? Because he says the only thing that is the most consistent in life is to change itself isn't it?

Originally the entire living beings meet their needs by making use of the natural environment. On wild animals (not the beast pets), life is very dependent on nature. Without nature, wild animals have no food. In contrast to humans. Man as a creature which is said to have high intelligence can live without having to always rely on nature.

According to tales of human primitive foraging when days are bright. Certainly, the intent of the day, because they haven't had the right night lighting tools such as we are now. Changes in natural conditions make human era used to be aware of. They are so aware there are days when they cannot hunt because of the horrible weather. Then, they think of a place to hoard food supplies break of nature began.

A simple story above implies two things

– Establishment of the first human communication with nature. Nature started talking in human beings. There is light during the dark tone of the da night. There's a hot sun and there is a cold month. There's a cool gust of angina da tone and chilly rain. Then the man so understands natural language. The man then understands the habits and patterns of nature. Humans started can guess what nature wants.
– Both the creation of a man-made object, due to the insistence of life. On the story above human beings make hoarding food for supplies. Humans need a place to hoard food. Humans also need to communicate with nature, so that the place of the foods matches the nature of nature! While humans also need to communicate this food place, on a sesame another human being! That is, advice on his group so as not to mistakenly mistook this place for other activities.

The architecture was created as an answer to the needs of the space for human activities. Starting from collecting activities that are common to the activities of the sleep fuck that is very intimate. Humans started making different rooms to accommodate the activities above. But, later first! This applies only to a narrow context. The narrow question is if the architecture is only considered as a way of solving it.
