
The Skyfarm – The Idea Of London Architects


The Skyfarm – The Idea Of London Architects  - By 2050, reckoned the world's human population will experience growth of three billion people. And automatically of farmland and food will be scarce believed because of the many lands used for residential.

Based on the original architect of the company's problems London, Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partner driven to make farming in the air or skyfarm. This is done for the sake of addressing the problem of shortage of agricultural land in the future.

Skyfarm designed by Rogers in the form of a high-rise tower can be built in the middle of the city. The Tower's plants that become the raw material of the food will be planted. According to Rogers, this is a great way to create farm space in urban environments where the number of soil and soil quality is inadequate.

As reported by the Domain of the high, the structure will be built using bamboo. In the middle of the aquaponic design, on the ground floor are reserved for agriculture and also as an educational space or hub. On the first floor, visitors can see the process of farming with fish that swim in a transparent tank.

Skyfarm concept and in fact also been conceptualized by the architects and researchers in the world. For the anticipation of it early and further development.
