

What is the architectural design concept?

The concept is the most difficult step in the design process. The concept will guide all future design decisions. The concept is expressed through sketches and statements. An abstract sketch can express the main concept you'd like to follow. Pictures and examples of other projects can be used to express the imagery that You want.
The Concept

  • The Concept Of Vision

The concept of integrating Site, programs and Forms in accordance with the holistic idea or vision. This means communicating the desire designers architecture to communicate with users and people who see the work of architecture. This will give you the pictures, the landmark and places. This project like a cup containing the coffee! The Cup is the site while the coffee is of the program. The concept of giving shape and appearance to the "Cup" and "coffee" flavor.

  • Concept Information Sources

Program and analysis site gives us information, considerations and conditions that affect design decisions. This concept provides a holistic understanding of the program and the site which brings together. This will give the solution to the requirements of the program, location and condition of human aspirations. This building will be seen by the people (direct users). The source of the concept of nature, technology, culture, literature, art, site, program, etc. This can be either directly or indirectly (abstract).

  • Concept Communication

The concept is expressed using sketches, pictures, texts and oral communication. All these skills are needed for the concept is clearly understood and accepted.

  • Presentation of Concept

Digital-using PowerPoint presentation computer. You can scan the sketch you and insert images and pictures of ideas. Use all the necessary images can communicate the concept of you.
Manual-using one Board to describe pictures and images are needed to illustrate the concept

How is the design process?

The process of designing the structure of a building, space or usually consists of the design phase. It is important to understand and remind ourselves of this phase, keep in mind exactly what you hope to accomplish.

The Design Process

1-Site Analysis
Phase analysis of Site selection concepts You need to deal with. This covers the topic of "relevant" as: topography, climate, Sun, wind, street view (to and from), access, buildings, etc.

• Physical characteristics: size, configuration, topography, geotechnical, etc.
• Climate: solar orientation, wind, temperature, humidity, rainfall, etc.
• Environmental factors: view, existing vegetation, drainage, etc.
• Access
• adjacent land use and site factors other
Parking is an issue that is very important, especially in this part of the world where transportation is more dependent on public transport rather than cars. And, the type of project (road service station) is only accessible by car. The parking area will be the starting point for public access to the project. Site Plan will describe how you complete access and parking issues.
2- Program analysis
The most effective time to make changes is during the programming. This phase of the project is the best time for stakeholders to influence the outcome of the project.

The function is declared as the name of the room or space. They were also identified as areas that needed to accommodate the functionality. They are then translated into a form to help us visually compare the size to each other.

  • Building Efficiency

Programming is an activity to determine the "Program", or a set of needs that the building must meet. Each project consists of several areas "commissioned" for certain functions. This area is usually expressed and identified by the client or data books. (Neufert, Time Saver Standard, etc.)
Program Analysis

The area has not been established very substantial percent of building area. Building Efficiency ratios vary significantly for different building types. If it is recorded incorrectly, can have a significant negative impact on the quality of construction projects. Estimate the amount of space the magnitudes would be necessary to take into account each of the function space, including:

• Circulation Spaces
• Wall
• Mechanical and electric rooms
• Rest room
• etc.

  • Relationship

The relationship between functions is illustrated as a bubble diagram without considering the size of the space. The second stage is to describe a relationship using the actual size of the function. The third stage is to distribute the functions on the site according to their bubble diagrams called "Zoning".

3- The synthesis
Synthesis refers to the combination of two or more entities together to form something new. In the architectural design means "synthesize" a "condition of site, program requirements and principles of form on the entities under the guidance of" concept. "

4- The Design stage Scheme
After you assign the program to a project, the focus in the design process architecture shifts from what the problem how to solve those problems. During the schematic design, the focus is on "schemas", or high level design overall. Here, a minor detail to be ignored to focus instead on creating a coherent solution which includes the project as a whole.

5- stages of design development
During the development phase of the design process of architectural design, this scheme was refined into the final design. In the previous stage, the focus has been on the project as a whole. During the design development, it becomes important to give individual attention to every aspect, every room and every detail of the project.

6- The Construction Pictures Stage 
At this stage the process of architectural design, the focus shifts from design to communicate the design and provide all the information necessary for construction.

Our understanding of all aspects of help we designed the building. These include Psychology (individual), sociology (groups), behaviors (individual and group), Anthropology (cultural) and history (of civilization). It is our responsibility as a superb architect because Our products affect people, society and culture.

Image used to express the project including:
• Site Plan (Layout)
• Image Plan
• Pieces
• Height
• Detail
• 3-D (perspectives, isometrics, aksonometri)
• Model
The Construction Stage
Image Source: Google


