
International Style Architecture

International Style ArchitectureInternational style Architecture is an architectural style that trend in 1920-1930. The term International Style generally refers to the architect and the building of the Decade view of the development of the modern style, before World War II.

VillaSavoye - Image by Google
The international style was a major architectural style that emerged in the 1920s and 1930s, the time of the formation of modernist architecture. The term is derived from the title of a book by Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson written to record the International Exhibition of Modern Architecture held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City in 1932. The book identifies, categorize and expand the General characteristics of modernism around the world. As a result, the focus is more on aspects of modernism style deepened. Destination Hitchcock and Johnson is setting the style of the period that will shape the modern architecture.

They identify three different principles: the expression of volume rather than mass, balance than symmetry prejudice and removal of ornaments. All the works on display as part of the activities are carefully selected, as only the work that meet a series of requirements that are exhibited. The previous use of the term with the same context can be given on International Architektur by Walter Gropius and Internationale Neue Baukunst by Ludwig Hilberseimer.

General characteristics of the international style Architects include:

• Radical simplification of form
• Rejection of ornament, and
• Adoption of glass, steel and concrete as the material of choice.
• Transparency of construction (the honest expression of the structure)
• Its fabrication materials/structures
• Use of geometric forms. Simple Cube-shaped "Quadrilateral long presses".
• All parts of the building face angles of 90 degrees and Decker. Flange-four or shaped elbows.
• Windows arranged in a horizontal line and form a line.
• Minimize the ornaments.
• Form follows function
