
General characteristics of Renaissance Architecture

General characteristics of Renaissance ArchitectureIn General, Renaissance architecture had a religious function as a church and Chapel (legacy and continue building the Medieval period), the buildings of the Palace, the seat of Government and residence of the pastor's houses or merchants (which is a respectable member of the community).

Theories are prominent in the building are the application of the concept of strong symmetry, in looks and space within the building. The majority of usage of building materials/material of marble in the interior of the building and the color tends to be monochrome or color.

The Renaissance Interior architecture - Image by Google

The building is rich in decorative elements, both on the interior or exterior of the building. The decorative elements are generally carving/sculpture, reliefs, and paintings. The theme of the decorative element generally symbolizes the characters or nature interpretations and the human figure, flora, fauna, and landscapes.

In deep scope, parts of the walls and ceilings are generally coated carvings (stucco) that's the object around the flora, the figure and the behavior of the fauna and humans, masks, boat as well as a shield. The use of the image, combined with the architectural detail, both on the interior or exterior. There is a building façade there is a row of columns with decorated elements patterned decorative flora, the arrangement of the order can be either Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.

The application of horizontal lines and elements of the arc on flat areas. The roof, the roof is either flat or shield equipped with ornament, either in the form of Lantern, Louvre, Lucarne, Ammortizement, Tympanum or Balustrade.

Read also : The Renaissance Architectural Theory

Examples of the architect and the building in the early Renaissance, Brunelleschi.
They saw the dome created to reinforce the impression of a double wall horizontally, to give the impression of weight on the building, wearing Gothic construction with spans the outer skin of the dome with 24 frame and direct building profiles using the dome construction (building: s. Spirito and the Cathedral of Florence). Alberti.
Uniting two mathematical concepts and painting as a decorative element. The building is magnificent and has the concept of symmetry. (area: s. Andrea, Mantua).

City planning and the Palace in Urbino and Pienza, Florence, the concept is offset blocks time massive walled with horizontal elements and a row of columns with a certain rhythm that is given the final touches on the feet and the head of the column. Flat roof construction made of wood with restricted cornice. (building: Gaudagni Palace, Grimanti Palace, Florence and Venice).

Examples of the architect and the building which is considered ' High ' Renaissance Bramante.
The main characteristic of the new impression on the form raises buildings to tend to be dynamic (for example curved shape) and monumental (buildings: St. Peter, Rome 1506). Michelangelo.
The building rests on the concept of an antique roman, with decorative elements in the form of paintings on the roof and sculpture with classical motifs. (building: Modern Capital in Rome).

Source of reference:
Ching Francis DK, 1987, Architecture: From, Space and Order, Van 39th
Funk and Wagnalls, 1990, New Encyclopedia, vol – 22.
Klassen, Winand, 1992, Architecture and Philosophy, Philipines: Calvano Printers
Cebu City.
Kruf, Hanno-Walter, 1994, A History of Architectural Theory, By
Architectural Press.
Mangunwijaya, YB, 1987, Wastu Citra, Gramedia, Jakarta.
Pierre von Meiss,, 1985, Elements of Architecture, Van 39th Reinhold.
Soger, Smith t., 1987, An Ilustrated History of Architecture Style, Omega Books.
Soger, Smith t., 1989, An Ilustrated History of Architecture Style, Omega Books.
Sumalyo, Yulianto, 1997, architectural Moder End of XIX century and the 20th century.
Gajahmada University Press, Yagyakarta.

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